Monday, July 12, 2010

I can't believe it!

I lost .4lbs!

A loss. Even after going 4845 calories OVER my weekly allowance and doing no exercise except for walking 20 mins to and from the train station! Color me tickled!

The scale said 219, which is 6.8lbs into my journey and 10lbs down from my highest weight! I'm excited. Some of my clothes are beginning to feel loose and I can't wait to start wearing the clothes I have in "hibernation".

This just shows me that if i had put in the effort to at least exercise, I would have kicked some serious butt! On a side note, I just noticed I have cellulite :(. Never had it before. I hope it goes away as the weight comes off!

This weeks goal is to step it up in the gym arena. I've only been once this month and I want to meet my monthly goal of going 15 times since I don't have a food goal this month.

I hope you all are doing fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the loss! I hope you make it to the gym a lot!

