Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weighing In

I did my weigh in on Monday. 205.2lbs. I'm happy.

A lot is due to the fact that I couldn't/can't eat solid food because of my tooth. I drank a lot of naked juice and "ate" some custard. Other than that I didn't do much of anything else. Funny enough, I didn't get terribly hungry. I'm able to chew a little bit now but it seems like so much work I'd rather just drink.

Well this brings me to 20.6lbs lost since I started this blog. You know what that means! Time for a picture update. I'm posting side by sides of when I first started versus now.

Some short term goals I have. I would like to be in the one hundreds by November. That is very doable I feel. I have a wedding to attend December 18 and there is a beautiful size 12 Nicole Miller dress that I spent an obscene amount on in my reckless days. I have never worn it and I would love to wear it to the wedding. It's very form fitting and so it has to fit better than "I can zip it up". Finally by next year, I would like to be under 185.

185 was my set weight for about 6-7 years before I gained a ton of weight. So to me, anything under that is "skinny". What I mean is that as an adult, I don't have much experience being under 185. I was around 165 freshman year of college but I never really used to pay attention to my weight then.

Anyway, enough rambling. Here are the pictures. I have lots of other things I want to talk about (fat and dating) but I'll save them for some other post.

1 comment:

  1. Well I know it means a lot, coming from a complete stranger in cyberspace ;-) but I think you look GREAT Mimi!
    I find myself looking longingly at pix of myself 10 yrs ago when I was in the 180's (& of course thought I looked HIDEOUS at the time); seems like a long way to go...
    (but I'm making Another Fresh Start)

